mercoledì 25 luglio 2007

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Imagineer al lavoro sul Wii

Lo sviluppatore Giapponese Imagineer ha dichiarato di essere al lavoro su Wii, ma per ora si rifiuta di ufficializzare il nome del progetto. Se volete sapere su cosa ha lavorato Imagineer, cliccate qui

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates DS. Immagini e Arts

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Ravin Rabbits 2 Solo per Wii?

Si, leggete cosa dice dice un impiegato di Ubisoft e l'Editor di Nintendo Power;

“We decided to go with the Wii for Rayman and forget all the other consoles, even as ports; they wouldn’t be as interesting without the Wii controls.” - Xavier Poix, Ubisoft employee

“One of the big highlights from the first Rayman Ravubg Rabbids was the up-tempo rail-shooter levels that served as the final challenges of some stages. They’re back in a big way - the new cinematic look to the levels is revolutionary. The game’s producers can barely contain their excitement: “This is a totally new technique; it just didn’t exist before. It took about six months to develop before we were sure we could actually do it.”" - Chris Shepperd, Nintendo Power editor

Metroid Prime 3 Wii. Più bello, Più Grosso e Più cattivo!

Un paio di commenti dall'Editor di Nintendo Power;

“In the first six hours of the game (which is only 19% according to the in-game progress tracker), We’ve already faced off against five baddies, and all of them have been extremely well designed. They offer just the right amount of challenge, and in true series fashion force you to perfect using your various abilities in tandem. Taking down one of these goliaths always brings a great sense of accomplishment.” - Steve Thomason, Nintendo Power editor

“Best of all, none of this comes at the expense of complexity or ingenuity. As a matter of fact, these might be the most mind-bending puzzles in the series, and many of them force you to think outside the Metroid box. Corruption doesn’t throw away the rule book, but it certainly adds new chapters.” - Steve Thomason, Nintendo Power editor

Alcuni scan per Sonic Rush Adventure

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Come funziona Boogie?

Qui potete capire un po' di più come funziona il particolare sistema di controllo. Di roba da fare, pare ce ne sia tanta.

Endless Ocean secondo famitsu

Il gioco si porta a casa un 35 anche se c'è qualche discrepanza tra i redattori, c'è cli gli da dieci e chi 8. In dettaglio 10/8/9/8

Alcune considerazion sul gioco
- feels a little like a simulation, exploring areas gradually
- clever production sucks you in totally
- with the change of camera view, you can get lost at sea
- you can explore the aquatic life as much as you want or you can go looking for events
- there’s lots of stuff you can do, play at your own pace
- production is great, you can feel the mystery and magnificence of the ocean
- thanks to the effects of the mysterious music, the game feels very rea

A questo punto il gioco si fa molto più interessante!

Smash Bros Update - Regno Celeste

Svelato lo Stage di Pit, composto da una serie di piattaforme sospese nel cielo. Si può anche distruggere il livello in alcune delle sue parti e vedere cosa succede.

Endless Blue Wii

Due giocatori?

Un bellissimo video. Verso la fine del video, il personaggio gioca con un delfino. Assolutamente da guardare.

Lego Star Wars CS

2 Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 Wii