sabato 3 novembre 2007
Need for Speed: Pro Street per Wii
C'ha una grafichetta non male. Altre qui!
alle ore 13:07 1 commenti
Categorie: Canale Novità
Aggiornamenti recensioni galattiche
1UP 9.5
"Super Mario Galaxy is an exceptional game by any standard, Mario or otherwise. It doesn't invent new kinds of gameplay, but it represents something that is perhaps equally important: A rethinking of how 3D platformers should work. The decade since the N64's debut has seen the genre struggle (and generally fail) to move beyond simply piling needlessly complex controls and obsessive-compulsive item collection on Mario 64's foundation. Galaxy strips away those encumbrances, revisits the essential concepts that made its esteemed predecessor so enjoyable, and then expands on them in new and intriguing ways."
Gamepro 5\5
Media Gamerankings 96.2
Ok, forse esagero a postare tutte le rece, ma Galaxy è un evento e come tale va trattato..
alle ore 03:21 7 commenti