sabato 31 marzo 2007

Nippon Ichi su Wii?

Nippon Ichi, the team behind games like Atelier Iris, Ar Tonelico, Disgaea and more may be moving into DS and Wii territory. During a meeting discussing their upcoming PS2/PSP projects, a NIS America exec was quoted as saying, “I’ve heard rumors–just rumors!–that NIS is preparing DS and Wii contracts”. Hopefully we will hear some sort of official announcement soon. I would love to see some of Nippon Ichi’s work on the Wii or DS.

A quanto pare Nippon ichi da quanto ha saputo questo "insider", sta preparando contratti per uno staff Wii\DS. C'è in ballo un progetto? Vedremo, per ora classifichiamo tutto come rumor.

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