Aonuma su Zelda DS e...Wii!
Dovrei metterlo come canale è inutile. Sappiamo tutti che un nuovo Zelda sta già prendendo vita sotto le amorevoli manine del discepolo del maestro. Per leggere tutta l'intervista, cliccate QUI!
Lunga vita è prosperità.
Aonuma: In Japanese, there’s a saying, me kara uroko [fish scales fall from your eyes]. It means a paradigm shift, a new way of thinking. With this DS Zelda, I and the staff, our eyes were opened to the possibilities of the hardware, as game developers, to understand what our responsibility is. And what we were creating, what the potential was there. So not only are we planning to do the same thing for the Wii, but to continue to do so for the DS as well. I’m very surprised at what we were able to do.
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