giovedì 27 settembre 2007

Fifa 08 secondo IGN UK

Sembra che il primo esperimento di Fifa su Wii (che è differente dagli altri) sia riuscito abbastanza bene.

8.5 Presentation
During play menus pop up to explain controls (which is handy), official teams and plenty of tournaments.
8.0 Graphics
FIFA 08 pulls off some fairly competent graphics on Wii and the Footii Party mode has a certain cartoonish charm.
7.0 Sound
Chants and crowd noises during matches sound a little bizarre. Whereas the soundtrack on menus and during Footti Parties is suitably trendy.
7.5 Gameplay
There's plenty of action during matches, with fast-paced play and fluid controls. Sometimes the Wii gesture can be a little off though and controls can be fiddly.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
The online mode should keep footy fans coming back for more, while the mini-games are great when you've got mates round.
(out of 10 / not an average)

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