sabato 29 settembre 2007

Intervista a Reggie.

Per leggere tutta l'intervista, cliccate qui.

MN: There’s been a lot of buzz about Microsoft’s “Halo 3.” How do you expect it to affect the console battle this holiday season?

R: Will they sell a lot of software? Certainly. Will it sell hardware? I think it’s an open question. Why? Because I think that the “Halo 3″ consumer already has the hardware, because they’re playing “Bioshock” and “Crackdown” and a variety of games that are, in the end, quite similar: first-person shooter experience, multiplayer capable online. Tell me what’s new?

MN: So do you feel like you need to counter “Halo 3″ in some way?

R: No

2 commenti:

KickinAss ha detto...

Concordo quelli che volevano halo 3 già avevano la console.

Anonimo ha detto...

Allora confessi?? che fine ha fatto il tuo post su halo3? cmq aspetto il confronto appena esce metroid....