7.5 Presentation
Filled to the brim with nostalgic moments and environments, with a moody interface, solid FMV cutscenes, and a ton of voiceover from Albert Wesker. A bit bland at times though.
7.0 Graphics
Some of the model work is impressive, and the FMV and in-game scripted scenes are generally above average. Outside levels, lighting, and character reaction animations are lacking.
8.0 Sound
Lots of VO, some spooky sound effects, and classic RE musical score.
7.5 Gameplay
The general IR movement lacks the smooth feel found in most pointer games. There’s a ton to see, but with only a handful of enemies it gets repetitious. Boss fights are hit and miss.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Lots of fan service, over 20 hours of gameplay, a two player mode, new side quests, and upgradeable guns. Great in short bursts, but repetitive in the long run.
(out of 10 / not an average)
4 commenti:
Più o meno quello che mi aspettavo.
Molto probabilmente scaffale.
Io non resisto ragazzi, lo prendo. Non so che farci :(
ma ign è impazzita? è vero che non è questo giocone,ma dare 7 alla grafica mi sembra da pazzi e da sonari!!!
non mi è chiara questa recensione,ma io la penso così,lo prendo quando esce
troppo. sta merda si merita 1. grafica da ps1. cagata.
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