Intervista ai creatori di NiGHTS
Il torneo è finito da un pezzo ma siccome che siamo un branco di sfaticati aggiorniamo questo messaggio solo ora.
Se non avete seguito vi facciamo un sunto: Ethrandir è stato umiliato in finale da Vincent (ma in fondo con quel nick dove voleva andare).
Ovviamente i giocatori di Nintendarea si sono limitati a fare da pedine per rendere il torneo più lungo. Non ci saremmo mai permessi di vincere.
Prima o poi faremo un podcast con il vincitore che si sta godendo il meritato riposo, dubbioso e a ragione, che il gioco non gli arriverà mai. Ma questa è un'altra storia.
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1 commenti:
Alcune parti interessanti:
"I definitely felt the same way, I really loved the music, so as soon as I decided to make a new NiGHTS, the first people I talked to were Mr. Hataya and Mr. Sasaki, who did the original music composition and signed them up to the project."
E vai! :D
"As you pointed out, Oshima-san is no longer at Sega, and he was the director as well as the original character designer for the original NiGHTS. But as well there was Hoshino-san, a character designer who worked on the original NiGHTS, and he handled Nightmaren, Elliot and Claris' character design, and he's the main character designer on Journey Of Dreams, so we're confident that we've captured the style of the original NiGHTS."
Meglio di niente... comunque io vorrei che Naoto Oshima lavorasse per Nintendo... è uno dei miei game designer preferiti. ^^
"1UP: Now that you guys are reviving the NiGHTS franchise, do you think you'll ever do one for the DS because the whole stylus control seems like it would lend itself to the hardware, by drawing NiGHTS' path out in front of him.
TI: That's a great idea, I'd like to do it. Right now we're not working on it but it's definitely something on our minds."
Magari! Almeno, se non gli viene beno quello per Wii avranno una seconda chance... :3
"The previous NiGHTS was released in the final days of the Saturn, so we weren't completely happy with the sales of NiGHTS abroad. So this time we concentrated on designing a NiGHTS that would have a universal appeal. One of the major differences is just being here allows a much better focus on markets abroad, and talking to people about their ideas, what they think would make sense, even the names of Will and Helen, for example, were affected. In the previous NiGHTS we didn't get any input at all, not from Sega of Europe or Sega of America, not for a single point of the game, we just made it all on our own."
Questa è una cosa che mi preoccupa... avrei preferito un approccio più personale, senza preoccuparsi troppo del pubblico americano.
"1UP: You mentioned that you had ideas for new NiGHTS games on Dreamcast or GameCube. How far did any of that get? Was it ever a tech demo, or did it only get as far as a planning document?
TI: Actually we didn't get very far at all, not even as far as design documents, and definitely not as far as creating a tech demo."
Ed io che pensavo che Journey of Dreams derivasse da una demo per Dreamcast... :P
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