Gli Insomniac: Abbiamo influenzato Mario Galaxy
Kikizo: You’ve said that some inspiration is taken from games and movies, but have you found influences of Ratchet in other games?
Ryan Schneider: Yeah, I think that it’s flattering… well OK, first of all, there was a PlayStation 2 game which I won’t name, that was more or less a direct rip-off of Ratchet and Clank. There’s evidence all around us I think, of certain games that have borrowed from Ratchet and Clank. One that we’re even extremely flattered by is Super Mario Galaxy, with their spherical worlds; we did spherical worlds in Going Commando, and Up Your Arsenal. It would be amazing to think that Miyamoto-san thought that was so cool that he wanted to incorporate it into Mario Galaxy. Granted, he’s doing it in a different way, but it’s still a spherical world, so it’s flattering to see those sorts of things.
Il tipo è convinto che Miyamoto abbia giocato a Ratchet & Clank e che colpito dall'idea dei mondi sferici li ha ripresi per Mario Galaxy.
La domanda da porsi è: Ma Miyamoto lo saprà che esiste la PS2?
2 commenti:
Certo che se ne sono usciti con qualcosa di veramente ridicolo... a questo punto, Miyamoto si è ispirato ai contenuti speciali di Sonic CD, visto che ci siamo (vediamo chi capisce il perché). ;)
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