lunedì 15 ottobre 2007

1Up intervista Aonuma

A portion of a 1up interview with Eiji Aonuma…

1UP: It’s often been said that Wind Waker wasn’t as well received because of its graphical style. Was it frustrating for you as a creator that people just couldn’t overlook the visual style and appreciate the game for what it was?

Aonuma: You’re right, a lot of people paid attention to the graphic style. And that was really frustrating for me because the graphics and gameplay worked so very closely together in that game. Wind Waker looked the way it did because it played the way it did, and it played the way it did because it looked the way it did. The visuals are always the easiest thing to point out in a game, but I honestly hope more people will look at how tied the visuals and the gameplay are in the future.

1UP: With the Twilight Princess, the tone was very dark though. Was that because the market dictated that Nintendo should explore darker themed games?

Aonuma: It’s not as though I made it intentionally dark. My goal was simply to make a realistic looking Zelda, and because the story of twilight — the whole idea of twilight — was featured so prominently, the overall look of the game became much darker. But it wasn’t because of market trends or whatever.

Per leggere tutta l'intervista, cliccate qui.

1 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Sono molto felice del fatto che sia Aonuma sia Miyamoto hanno ripetuto più e più volte che non daranno una voce a Link, ne ora ne mai. :)