mercoledì 19 settembre 2007

Nuovo filmato per No More Heroes Wii

Blog, informazioni e foto per Final Fantasy IV DS

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Pop-Mania Wii e comunicato stampa.

The infamous balloon thief has stolen the earth’s precious season and sealed them away in his magical balloons. It is up to you to release the magic stored inside and bring life back to your planet one season at a time!

A revolutionary puzzle game that’s fit for all ages. Point at the screen to aim and link a series of balloons to create satisfying combos! Watch as the season beautifully animate and bring the planet back to life, releasing different graphical elements to represent each month.

Konami parla di Dewy e di un possibile sequel per Elebits Wii

RG: Which has been the most difficult point in the developing process of Dewy’s Adventure? And which part of Dewy’s Adventure are you proudest of?

SM: The difficult point was “how to use the Wii Remote”. First I was thinking to hold not horizontally but vertically… thinking of stuff like this (jumping by lifting the Wiimote) but it was really more difficult than we have now. And then it was… yeah! You can hold it this way (horizontal) and this way I really had an idea that I could play better. And I’m really proud that I found that I can hold this way!. At the same time what I think I’m proud of is that -same as Elebits- I can work with WiiConnect24 and have online features, and I also can edit stages and send them to friends and… do you know the Wii Message Board? Well, Dewy’s Adventure hints will be sent to the Message Board and you can check them.

RG: Speaking about Elebits, its concept was also an original concept with innovative controls, have you considered using it again?

SM: (Laughs) Shhhhhhh, no comment.

Beh, l'ultima risposta lascia ben sperare. Si parla anche dell'utilizzo della message board del wii in dewy per possibili suggerimenti che il gioco dà. Non viene specificato quando e come. Confermato un edit dei livelli e la connessione a Wii-Connect con i propri amici. Niente codice amico, direttamente quelli che avete in lista. Se volete leggere l'intervista per intero, cliccate qui.

Winning Eleven Wii

Novità dalla conferenza Konami. Pare uscirà nei primi mesi del 2008.

Time to talk about the Wii version, the "new challenge." They show the first screenshots of the Winning Eleven game for Wii. "The new game and the conventional game is merged," he says. No real details about how it'll work, but the screen will have large circles and big arrows around the players, showing where the ball will go. The camera viewpoint seems in some cases to be set behind the backs of the players you're controlling.

Una moneta preordinando Mario Galaxy?

Si diceva fossero già arrivate a 400.000 le prenotazioni, ma se la notizia risultasse vero salirebbero sicuramente.
Ho voglia di prenotarlo anch'io che non ho il Wii Usa.


Sans per Devil Kings 2

Smash Bros Update - I nemici nell'avventura

Dopo la bomba di ieri niente potrà avere lo stesso effetto. Oggi vengono presentati i nemici della modalità avventura chiamata "Subspazio". Ce ne sono di curiosi.

Capcom ha in serbo qualche novità

Dopo i rumor che volevano Capcom al lavoro su alcuni popolari brand arriva la risposta direttamente dalla casa Giapponese. Effettivamente c'è qualcosa che "farà saltare qualche testa", ma non sarà presentata al TGS. A ottobre Capcom terrà un evento privato per rivelare le sue nuove creature. Ci sarà qualcosa anche per Wii?

Horse Life DS

Picto Image DS

Table Tennis Wii

Star Wars The Force Unleashed

Ecco il comunicato stampa.

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. Sept. 18, 2007 - LucasArts today revealed that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will come to the Wii home videogame system from Nintendo next spring, offering owners the unique chance to live out their Jedi fantasies by wielding the Wii Remote as a lightsaber while using the Nunchuk controller to torment foes with their Force powers.

Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box DS

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